How I Create Django Admin CRUD Apps

Adi Ramadhan
4 min readJun 30, 2020


Book List in Django Admin site

Spoiler: This is long read article, jump to Summarized Section in the end of article to read short version.

Step 1: Preparation:
I use python 3.8 in windows when writing this article. For installation instruction, you can read the official python installation document in this link.

check python version: python — version

Install python virtualenv: pip install virtualenv

create virtual environment: virtualenv env

activate virtual env: venv\Scripts\activate

Install Django in virtual environment: pip install django

Step 2: Create Django Project

create project: django-admin startproject myproject

This command will create a Django myproject folder with its generated folders and files.

Go to myproject folder: cd myproject

Start Django: python runserver

Try to access in browser

Step 3: Initial Migration

Migrate is a step to generate database (by default django use sqlite database) and some tables. For initial, Django provides great initial tables for us. In previous step there is warning “You have 17 unapplied migration(s) … . Run ‘python runserver’ to apply them.” Let’s try to apply.

migrate: python migrate

We can restart apps and no more migration warning and django admin site is installed. Try to access admin site:

Step 4: Superuser

Create superuser: python createsuperuser

Type username, email and password.

Try to login in Django admin with superuser

In this state we can explore django admin site with built-in menu (include authorization and authentication).

Step 5: Create Application

Create app: python startapp myapp
this command will generate myapp folder and some files.

Open myproject folder in text editor. I use VS Code. alternatives: Sublime, Atom, Notepad++.

Create new model in myapp/

Register model in admin myapp/

Add myapp in INSTALLED_APPS in myproject/

Make migrations: python makemigrations

Migrate: python migrate

Run server and try to access admin site. Books menu now can be accessed in admin site.

Open Books menu in MYAPP and do some cool operation like Add, Edit, Delete.

Summarized Section:

Step 1. Preparation
install virtualenv: pip install virtualenv
create virtualenv: virtualenv venv
start virtualenv: venv/Scripts/activate
install Django in virtualenv: pip install django

Step 2. Create Django Project
Create Django: django-admin startproject myproject
Go to myproject folder: cd myproject
Run Django: python runserver

Step 3. Initial Migration
Migrate: python migrate

Step 4. Superuser
Create superuser: python createsuperuser
Admin access:

Step 5. Create Application
Create app: python startapp myapp
Create model: add model in myapp/
Create modeladmin: add modeladmin in myapp/
Register app: add myapp in INSTALLED_APP in myproject/
Make migrations: python makemigrations
Migrate: python migrate
Run server: python runserver



Adi Ramadhan
Adi Ramadhan

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